My Covid Experience

Covid19 has been hard on everyone. I didn't know I could experience anything like this. Covid lock down started when my grandfather was admitted in the hospital. First I didn't realise the affect of covid it had but starting of the lock down I lost my Grandfather. Due to lock down none of my extended family could come.  I wasn't allowed to go outside. There was scarcity of grocery and vegetables.My parents used to go out for buying the necessities and used to tell about the long queues. It was very scary.

When School was closed, few days I was happy as I could play indoor games, watch TV and spend time with family. But after few weeks, I was bored of these things and started missing my school, my friends and teachers. 
Later I was allowed to go down but stay inside our society campus and i  made three new friend  and now i don't know what i would do without them. And during the pandemic i practised running and have increased my speed and now i'm one of the fastest in the class. I have learned to write beautiful stories and draw/paint beautiful Pictures and i  also sold/gifted few of my artworks. During this time my parents also  gifted me a phone to make my school work easier. once the school opened Online

I feel that because of the pandemic my family could spend more time together and has come closer and now we understand each other better then before.

Though I lost my grand father and few more close relatives but also got friends and learnt new things. It was not all bad after all
